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Arizona Thoracic Society Notes & Videos

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January 2020 Video (Passcord TX8x3!%5)
September 2021 Video (Passcode k?6X!z@V)
June 2021 Video (Passcode S1zd7$6g)
December 2020 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
September 2019 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
November 2018 Arizona Thorcic Society Notes
September 2018 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes 
July 2018 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
March 2018 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
January 2018 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
November 2017 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
September 2017 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
March 2017 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
January 2017 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
November 2016 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
July 2016 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
March 2016 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
November 2015 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
September 2015 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
July 2015 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
May 2015 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
March 2015 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
January 2015 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
November 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
September 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
August 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
June 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
May 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
April 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
March 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
February 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
January 2014 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
December 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
November 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
October 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
September 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
August 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
July 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
June 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
May 2013 Council of Chapter Representatives Notes
May 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
April 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes 
March 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
March 2013 Council of Chapter Representatives Meeting 
   and “Hill Day” Notes
February 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
January 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
November 2012 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
October 2012 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
September 2012 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
August 2012 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
August 2012 Special Meeting Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
June 2012 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
May 2012 Council of Chapter Representatives Meeting

The Arizona Thoracic Society currently has only virtual meetings about 4 times per year. These have been occurring on a Wednesday evening at 7 PM and last until about 8-8:30 PM. 


Entries in sarcoidosis (8)


May 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes

A dinner meeting was held on Wednesday, 5/15/2013 at Scottsdale Shea beginning at 6:30 PM. There were 13 in attendance representing the pulmonary, critical care, sleep, thoracic surgery, and radiology communities.

Dr. George Parides will have served his 2 year tenure as Arizona Thoracic Society President by July, 2013. However, he will be unable to attend the June meeting and for this reason Presidential elections were held. Dr. Lewis Wesselius was nominated and unanimously elected as President.

Three cases were presented:

  1. Dr. Gerald Schwartzberg presented the case of a 49 year old woman with a history of Valley Fever in 2009. She was a nonsmoker and had no other known medical diseases.  However, she developed shortness of breath beginning earlier this year along with a cough productive of clear, jelly-like sputum. Her physical was normal. Pulmonary function testing revealed restrictive disease with significant improvements in the FEV1 and FVC after bronchodilators.  Eosinophils were increased in her CBC at 12%. IgE was moderately increased at 286 IU/ml.  Chest x-ray was normal. A high resolution thoracic CT scan revealed scattered bronchiectasis and mucoid impaction.  Some speculated that this could be a case of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) although all agreed that the level of IgE was lower than commonly occurs with ABPA. It was felt that an Aspergillus specific IgE might be useful. It was also suggested that the coccidiomycosis might have caused the bronchiectasis, noting that mycosis other than Aspergillus sp. may cause the syndrome similar to ABPA which has been termed allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis.
  2. Dr. Jud Tillinghast presented a case of 45 year old woman who worked as a nurse practioner. She had developed rheumatoid arthritis a few years earlier and was being treated with plaquenil and steroids. Recently she had developed shortness of breath. A few squeaks were normal on auscultation of the lungs. Pulmonary function testing was normal. However, a thoracic CT scan revealed a mosaic pattern consistent with air trapping. An open lung biopsy was performed and was consistent with constrictive bronchiolitis. The biopsy did not show inflammation but obliteration of the small bronchioles. Considerable discussion centered on treatment with most agreeing that there were no known efficacious treatments. 
  3. Dr. Allen Thomas presented a case of a 72 year old man with 2 small pulmonary nodules discovered incidentally in Northern California. However, at the time of discovery he was in the process of moving to Arizona and presented a year later. Follow up thoracic CT scan revealed multiple small nodules and mediastinal nodes. Mediastinoscopy revealed noncaseating granulomas. A repeat CT showed that the mediastinal nodes have resolved but the nodules persisted. A PET scan showed markedly enhanced uptake by the nodules and in the mediastinum raising a question of carcinoma. Most felt that this was likely a manifestation of sarcoidosis and not necessarily an indication of cancer.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at about 8 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26. The July meeting will be in Tucson on July 24th at 6:30 PM. Location to be determined.  


Rick Robbins

Arizona CCR Representative


Reference as: Robbins RA. May 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society notes. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2013;6(5):237-8. PDF



April 2013 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes

A dinner meeting was held on Wednesday, 4/24/2013 at Scottsdale Shea beginning at 6:30 PM. There were 13 in attendance representing the pulmonary, critical care, sleep, infectious disease, and radiology communities. Drs. Gotway and August, thoracic radiologists, were both unable to attend. Dr. Tilman Kolesch from Maricopa more than capably filled in as our radiologist.

The meeting was preceded by a discussion on Pharma and the availability of physicians who accept money, including dinners, from pharmaceutical companies. The Arizona Thoracic Society is sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.

Ken Knox asked if Arizona Thoracic Society meetings could be held in Tucson during July and December, the two months meetings have not been scheduled. The attendees enthusiastically endorsed this expansion of the Arizona Thoracic Society meetings.

In addition, Dr. Knox wishes to sponsor a winter symposium in Tucson in collaboration with the Arizona Thoracic Society. The attendees also enthusiastically endorsed this meeting. 

Four cases were presented:

  1. Tim Kuberski, infectious disease from Maricopa, presented a case of a 27 year old woman who was in her 38th week of pregnancy who was referred for an abnormal chest x-ray. She has a positive history of tuberculosis which was treated with only 2 weeks of isoniazid, rifampin and ethambutol. Her chest x-ray showed volume loss and left upper lobe cavitary disease. This had progressed from an old chest x-ray taken several years previously.  Sputum was positive for acid-fast bacilli. Previously the patient had grown Mycobacterium kansasii. Given that she was in her 38th week of pregnancy, the patient was asymptomatic and the tempo of her disease appeared slow, most suggested waiting until after her delivery to start therapy.
  2. Tom Colby, pulmonary pathologist from the Mayo Clinic presented a case of a 5 year old with enlarging nodules in both lungs. The child had a history of cystic pulmonary adenomatoid malformation or congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CPAM/CCAM) at 8 days. Biopsy of the lesions revealed histology consistent with mucinous adenocarcinoma. This has been previously reported (Am J Surg Pathol. 2003;27:1139-46).  
  3. Dr. Colby also presented a case of a 38 year old with a history of sarcoidosis that had developed cystic changes in the left upper lobe. Biopsy was consistent with mucinous adenocarcinoma. Dr. Colby discussed the potential association of these lymphocytic predominant lesions with mucinous adenocarcinoma.
  4. Lewis Wesselius, pulmonologist from the Mayo Clinic, presented a 65 year old from Colorado with lung masses. The patient had a history of dermatomyositis and was being with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), prednisone and methotrexate for his dermatomyositis and warfarin for his pulmonary embolism. A thoracic CT scan showed multiple nodules which were new compared to an old chest x-ray. A PET scan was positive. A CT guided biopsy was nondiagnostic.  Video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS) biopsy showed an Epstein Barr Virus-positive immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorder with Hodgkin lymphoma-like features. Dr Wesselius reviewed immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative diseases. If was thought that the patient’s case was most consistent with a methotrexate-induced lymphoma which have been reported to spontaneously improve with discontinuation of methotrexate. Methotrexate was discontinued and the lesions are shrinking.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at about 8 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15 prior to the American Thoracic Society meeting in Philadelphia.

Rick Robbins

Arizona CCR Representative

Reference as: Robbins RA. April 2013 Arizona thoracic society notes. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2013;6(4):189-190. PDF


October 2012 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes

A dinner meeting was held on 10/24/2012 at Scottsdale Shea beginning at 6:30 PM. There were 23 in attendance representing the pulmonary, critical care, sleep, infectious disease, pathology, and radiology communities.

An announcement was made that the Colorado Thoracic Society has accepted an invitation to partner with the Arizona and New Mexico Thoracic Societies in the Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.

Discussions continue to be held regarding a combined Arizona Thoracic Society meeting with Tucson either in Casa Grande or electronically.

Six cases were presented:

Dr. Tim Kuberski, chief of Infectious Disease at Maricopa Medical Center, presented a 48 year old female who had been ill for 2 weeks. A CT of the chest revealed a left lower lobe nodule and a CT of the abdomen showed hydronephrosis and a pelvic mass. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was elevated. All turned out to be coccidioidomycosis on biopsy.  CEA decreased after the pelvic mass was resected.

Dr. Tom Colby, pulmonary pathologist from the Mayo Clinic, presented a 60 year old man with a past medical history of a transbronchial biopsy showing nonspecific interstitial lung disease. CT scan showed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and multifocal ground glass opacities. Multiple serologies were all negative. Biopsy revealed both hypersensitivity pneumonitis and sarcoidosis. It was pointed out by Drs. Michael Gotway and David August that the usual presentation of sarcoidosis in the lung is bilateral lymphadenopathy with multiple small nodules in a peribronchovascular distribution along with irregular thickening of the interstitium. Although multifocal ground glass opacities have been reported with sarcoidosis, it is unusual.

Dr. George Parides presented two cases of patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving biologic therapy. One presented with a positive QuantiFERON test for tuberculosis and the other with a positive PPD. Management was discussed. None were aware of any data but the majority thought that stopping the biologics, if possible, and treating with INH for 9 months was probably appropriate.

Dr. Colby presented a second case of a 52 year old heavy smoker with shortness of breath while playing basketball. Chest CT showed ground glass opacities with minimal fibrosis. A lung biopsy showed various areas consistent with desquamative interstitial pneumonia, respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease or nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis with scarring.  Dr. Colby stated that smokers with interstitial disease can have different patterns on biopsy. Drs. Gotway and August pointed out that the lung CT pattern is also often heterogenous.

Dr. Lewis Wesselius presented a 49 year old female admitted for hypoxia, lethargy, and an abnormal chest x-ray. She had a prior diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) with a reported diagnosis of lupus pneumonitis made 3-4 years ago. There was a history of multiple episodes of pneumonia (25 in 5 years), a prior stroke and mitral valve disease with valve replacement. Chest CT showed multiple areas of ground glass opacities and bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage resulted in a bloody return. Serologies were inconsistent with SLE but anti-phospolipid antibodies were present. Dr. Wesselius reviewed antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) which can occur as a primary condition or in the setting of an underlying systemic autoimmune disease such as SLE. Manifestations include deep venous thrombosis (32%), thrombocytopenia (22%), livedo reticularis (20%), stroke (13%), pulmonary embolus (9%), fetal loss (8%), transient ischemic attack (7%), hemolytic anemia (7%), and rarely alveolar hemorrhage. Treatment includes high dose corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate, IVIG, and plasmapharesis. A recent report (Lupus 2012, 21:438-40) advocated Rituximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody against the protein CD20, which is primarily found on the surface of B cells, for recurrent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in primary APS.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is November 28 at 6:30 PM at Scottsdale Shea.

Richard A. Robbins, MD

CCR Representative

Arizona Thoracic Society

Reference as: Robbins RA. October 2012 Arizona thoracic society notes. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care 2012;5:218-9. PDF

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