5. More than one of the above

Given the skin and mucosal lesions, dermatological consultation is appropriate. The patient’s complaint of abdominal pain and the detection of right adnexal fullness indicate the need for cross sectional imaging, which could be conducted with CT, ultrasound, or MRI. The presence of oral and genital ulcers makes evaluation for an infectious etiology for these findings appropriate, and dermatological consultation for characterization of these lesions to narrow the differential diagnostic considerations would be helpful. There is no indication for brain MRI at this point.

The patient underwent enhanced CT of the abdomen and pelvis (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Representative images from axial enhanced abdominal CT scan.

Which of the following represents an appropriate interpretation for this examination? (click on the correct answer to be directed to the third of twelve pages)

  1. Enhanced abdominal-pelvic CT shows findings of appendicitis
  2. Enhanced abdominal-pelvic CT shows a right adnexal cystic mass
  3. Enhanced abdominal-pelvic CT shows normal findings
  4. Enhanced abdominal-pelvic CT shows a solid mass in the left pelvis
  5. Enhanced abdominal-pelvic CT shows more than one of the above findings

