3. Frontal and lateral chest radiography shows left-sided lung nodules

The frontal and lateral chest radiograph shows two left-sided nodules, one in the left perihilar region, the other slightly more cranially located, projecting over the left suprahilar region. No clear pleural disease is present and the right paratracheal “stripe” appears normal. Numerous small nodules are not evident. Scarring in the lingula, manifesting as a triangular-shaped opacity obscuring a portion of the left cardiac border, is present, but there is no evidence of basal fibrotic lung disease. The left hilum does appear enlarged.

Which of the following would be most useful for the evaluation of this patient? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the third of nine pages)

  1. 18FDG-PET scanning
  2. Comparison to prior chest radiographs
  3. Pulmonary function testing
  4. Repeat frontal chest radiography
  5. Video-assisted thoracoscopic biopsy
