1. Contrast-enhanced thoracic CT

Repeat chest radiography would be of little use since as abnormalities were already noted at the presentation chest radiograph, and significant abnormalities have been detected at abdominal imaging. Obtaining pulmonary function testing could be of benefit as well, although normal results would not negate the fact that chest imaging abnormalities have been noted and require further assessment. Bronchoscopic evaluation is premature at this point, given that further non-invasive chest investigations could provide information sufficient to obviate an invasive procedure. Given that chest radiography disclosed a possible abnormality and significant abnormalities have been detected at cross sectional abdominal imaging, further evaluation with contrast-enhanced thoracic CT is appropriate.

The patient underwent enhanced CT of the thorax (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Representative image from axial enhanced thoracic CT.

Which of the following is correct regarding the description of the thoracic CT findings? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the fourth of seven pages)

  1. CT shows a focal nodular opacity with air bronchogram formation
  2. CT shows diffuse ground-glass opacity
  3. CT shows diffuse, small nodules consistent with a centrilobular distribution
  4. CT shows multifocal bronchiectasis
  5. CT shows multifocal reticulation suggesting fibrotic disease
