1.  The chest radiograph shows a circumscribed pulmonary mass

The chest radiograph shows a circumscribed soft tissue mass projected over the lateral aspect of the right pulmonary hilum. No evidence of streaky opacities to suggest bronchial wall thickening are evident, nor are small pulmonary nodules seen. The pulmonary vascularity appears normal and symmetric, and no features to suggest fibrotic lung disease are present.

Which of the following statements regarding the findings at chest radiography (Figure 1) is most accurate? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the third of 6 panels)

  1. The chest radiograph shows the “cervico-thoracic” sign
  2. The chest radiograph shows the “hilum overlay” sign
  3. The chest radiograph shows the “incomplete border” sign
  4. The chest radiograph shows the "Luftsichel" sign
  5. The chest radiograph shows the “V sign of Naclerio”
