5. The chest radiograph shows volume loss involving the right thorax with a mass-like opacity projected over the right hilum

The chest radiograph shows a rounded opacity projected over and partially obscuring the right hilum. There is significant volume loss in the right thorax- note shift of the trachea towards the right and elevation of the right diaphragm. A right pleural effusion is also present. The left lung is clear. There is no evidence of cystic or fibrotic lung disease, and the visible central airways do not show thickening. There are no “streaky central opacities on the left side. There is no evidence of a small nodular pattern.

Which of the following represents the next, most appropriate step for the assessment of the findings at chest radiography? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the next panel)

  1. 18FDG-PET scan
  2. Contrast-enhanced thoracic CT
  3. Repeat chest radiography
  4. Thoracic MRI
  5. Ventilation – perfusion scintigraphy
