1. The frontal chest radiograph shows a poorly defined nodular opacity in the left upper lung

The frontal and lateral chest radiograph shows fairly normal mediastinal contours, perhaps with a borderline heart size and tortuous aorta [not unexpected for age], with no evidence of cystic lung disease or fibrotic abnormalities. The chest radiograph is, however, abnormal; a faint nodular opacity is present in the left upper lung.

Which of the following is correct regarding the description of the chest radiographic findings of the left-sided lesion? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the third of nine panels)

  1. The left upper lobe nodular opacity demonstrates the “air crescent” sign
  2. The left upper lobe nodular opacity shows evidence of calcification
  3. The left upper lobe nodular opacity shows evidence of central cavitation
  4. The left upper lobe nodular opacity shows intralesional fat consistent with hamartoma
  5. The left upper lobe nodular opacity shows no specific morphological features
